日本財団 図書館


7. Installation of Control Area Selective control system at Kawlin. Yangon, Pyay, Mawlamyine, Ye. Dawei. Pakoukku, Kalay. Paihein and Kyang.

8.Interlocked fixed distant and working outer train system will be installed for Myingyan-Tadat line. Mawalamyine-Ye line. Ywataung-Monywa line, and Chaung Oo-Pakhokku-Zebya line.


Development of Commercial Service

Passenger & Freight Traffic Demand Forecast for 1995-96 to 2000-2001

Among the four modes of inter regional transportation service in the Union of Myanmar, Railways Transport service is monopolized by the state owned transport enterprise. Myanma Railways.

In 1995-96 MR. shares 25.1% of passenger trip and 37.9% of freight tons for the total internal external transport systems, passengers and freight by state owned conveyances.

Passenger and Freight demand forecast for planned five years from 1996-97 to 2000-2001 is as stated below:




Descriptions Unit   Second 5 Years plan
1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001
1 Passenger Million 53.40 53.50 54.57 55.66 56.77 58.00
2 Passenger-Miles Million 3041.44 3102.27 3164.30 3227.50 3292.05 3357.89
3 Passenger Earning Million 1325.00 1335.00 1349.00 1362.40 1389.00 1416.80
4 Freight tons Million 3.28 3.34 3.4 3.47 3.54 3.61
5 Freight (ton-miles) Million 602.88 614.94 627.34 639.89 652.69 665.74
6 Freight Earning Million 560.00 583.00 600.50 618.50 637.00 656.00
1 Passenger 2.00% 2.00% 1.99% 1.99%
2 Passenger-Miles 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
3 Passenger Earning 1.05% 0.99% 1.95% 2.00%
4 Freight tons 1.80% 2.06% 2.02% 1.98%
5 Freight (ton-miles) 2.02% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
6 Freight Earning 3.00% 3.00% 2.99% 2.98%

Freight Forwarding and Special Passenger Trains Handled by Private Investment

To attract customers and maintain market share to encourage the private sector operator to develop more demand-respective door-to-door service, in conjunction with MR, MR co-operate with private companies for freight towarding service and special passenger train service.

Freight forwarding service is done by two private comoanies named MFF Co. Ltd. (Mandalay Freight Forwarder) and STT Co. Ltd. (Sann Thawta)

Dagon Mann and above two companies participated in the service of special passanger trains named Dagon Mann special train on Yangon-Mandalayroute. Malikha-Mandalar train on Mandalay-Myitkyina route and Maykha-Mandalar train on Mandalay-Myitkyina route.

These companies had financially invested to repair and construction of passanger coaches and freight wagons and some locomotives. This is a kind of Transmodal function done by MR.





